Wednesday, March 28, 2012


What can a person do to make a change?

Make an effort to recycle! 
Recycling protects and expands US manufacturing jobs and increases US competitiveness.
Recycling can reduce the need for land filling and incineration.
Recycling will prevent pollution caused by the manufacturing of products from virgin materials.
Recycling saves energy.
Recycling conserves natural resources such as timber, water, and minerals.
Recycling helps make the environment a better place for future generations.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Cigarette smoke is another factor that can be harmful to the environment. Rumor has it that second hand smoke is worst than actually smoking yourself. According to cigarette smoke contains up to 4,000 chemicals. in 2004, a small Italian study lead by Giovanni Invernizzi from the Tobacco Control Unit of Italy's National Cancer Institute in Milan found that air pollution that comes from cigarettes is 10 times greater than diesel car exhaust. 

Trash is not the only harmful thing that can effect an environment. We have all seen and wanted the Dodge Diesel trucks driving around town. This type of truck is very harmful to the environment. These types of vehicles put off smoke that causes pollution.
To every good side there is also a bad side. A good environment is something people should take into consideration. However, this is what most environments look like....

<---- The environment shown is not a place you should allow not only children but adults as well. Individuals has made it clear that the earth is just a huge trash can they can use at any point in time. 

----> The picture shown is a perfect example of a lady using the environment as a trash can. There is no reason why she could not hold this piece of trash until she came across a waste basket.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Nice, Healthy, Good Environment

Being in an environment like the ones above would be a blessing to some individuals. However, an enviornment like these are hard to come across now-a-days. Clear and fresh water, and ground with no trash on it are something folks do not see very often. The world would be a much better place if individuals took care of the environment instead of using it for a large waste basket.